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My 10 favourite birth books

Writer's picture: Megan BormanMegan Borman

I am constantly getting asked what books I would recommend pregnant people read and I've made a couple of Instagram posts about it in the past but there's only so many slides available over on Insta so I thought I'd do a round up here for you to peruse.

So here we go, in no particular order because honestly I can't order them, they're all incredible!

I honestly found this book transformational for my birthwork and so wish it was written before I had my babies. The description states "Reclaiming childbirth as a rite of passage requires us to recognise that mothers own the power and expertise when it comes to birthing their babies." and it does just that by explaining the history of childbirth, how birth works, and how we can help ourselves by trusting the process and leaving it alone.

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I read this when I was pregnant myself and I absolutely loved it, it's a realistic look at preparing for physiological birth and how that paves the way for how we parent (and why that's so important). You're basically getting 2 books for the price of one. There are lots of positive birth stories throughout which really tie it all together. This is easily one of my most lent out books to clients and they all rave about it too.

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This book is a treasure trove of wisdom on traditional postpartum healing, you will totally rethink everything you know about postpartum and the recipes in it are just delicious. Use this book to create a deeply wholesome and beneficial postpartum plan and get your friends and family prepped on which recipes you want them to deliver once you've delivered your babe Earthside.

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Sorry in advance because this book will make you rage - not at the author (Dr Sara Wickham is incredible) but at the way modern hospital policy so easily sabotages so many births. However, it's a hugely worthwhile read to better understand how birth begins and works without intervention for unnecessary reason, so much knowledge you can use to advocate for your wants and wishes.

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This is easily my favourite starting book for all parents to be, it's foundational knowledge about all things pregnancy and birth by former BirthRights chief executive Rebecca Schiller is second to none. Everyone should read this book, it's realistic, positive and empowering.

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I love this book, it answers all of your burning questions around pregnancy and birth in a funny, honest and realistic way. It's full of helpful tidbits of information about how birth and our bodies work and will leave you feeling really confident as you move through pregnancy. It's also filled with stunning illustrations so you'll never get bored!

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This book is for all of the times during your pregnancy that you hear "you're not allowed..." or "it's too risky" or "our hospital doesn't allow that". When we're pregnant we all too often hand our power over to health care professionals without ever questioning if the path they're putting us on is actually right for us. This book spells our YOUR rights, and how to use this information to make decisions which are right for you and your baby.

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Another eye opening book which will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about pregnancy and birth. Decoding what the media feeds us to feel about our pregnancies, birth and babies and how to separate the fact from the fiction to ensure you can make truly informed decisions about your journey into parenthood. Information truly is power.

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This book is a really easy and snappy little read for anyone as yet undecided on where to give birth, it's not going to force you to give birth at home, rather it's going to explain to you why home birth is so often dismissed despite being an incredibly safe and valid choice for the majority of us. If you've already made the steadfast decision to birth at home (woo!) then this book can help you with the logistics and top tips to help things go smoothly.

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Another in the "Why It Matters..." series, and I could have included so many more so go and check the whole range out to see which ones take your fancy. This one is all about oxytocin, the hormone which is the driving force behind your contractions during labour and also for bonding with you baby and stimulating breastmilk production and flow. So important!

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And there you have it, my top 10 birthy books you need to read. Do you agree? Any you'd add? Let me know over on Instagram where I'm @TheDungareeDoula. I hope you enjoy!

AFF: I've posted links to each book for if you wish to purchase, please note these are affiliate links which means I get a teeny tiny commission if you choose to purchase however that does not in any way influence the books I have chosen or my opinions on them, these are genuinely my faves and I've created the affiliate links myself - not because somebody has asked me to promote their book or website etc. (the commission bit just helps out that self employed life!)

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