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Dungaree Doula book club

Join us for our monthly birthy book club, whether you're pregnant, a birthworker or just interested!

Online meet up

Service Description

The Dungaree Doula book club is a monthly online book club set up to bring together pregnant people and birthworkers to discuss incredible birthy books, gain new insights and hang out in likeminded company. Want the motivation to get through those birth and postpartum books everyone keeps banging on about? Or maybe you just need someone to chat about all of the amazing info you've taken in? Either way this book club is for you. Each month we'll read a different book then meet up at the end of the month via Zoom to discuss, you can ask questions, join in with your thoughts or just sit and listen. Most books are available as audiobooks on Spotify or Audible for those who prefer to listen, if you're having trouble getting your hands on any of the books then request them from your local library or ask a local birthworker if they have a copy you can borrow, or if you want to buy - check on Vinted/secondhand. Prior to the session I will send our a few focal point questions relating to specific chapters, so if you're going to struggle finishing reading then you can still attend having just read those bits. The books will be as follows: Jan - The Microbiome Effect, How Your Baby's Birth Influences Their Future Health Book by Alex Wakeford and Toni Harman Feb - Reclaiming Childbirth as a Rite of Passage by Rachel Reed Mar - Placenta the forgotten chakra by Robin Lim (this can be downloaded as a PDF from Robin) Apr - The Mindful Breastfeeding Book by Anna Le Grange May - Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering by Sarah J. Buckley June - The Fourth Trimester by Kimberly Ann Johnson July - In Your Own Time by Sara Wickham Aug - Informed Is Best by Amy Brown Sept - Matrescence: On the Metamorphosis of Pregnancy, Childbirth and Motherhood by Lucy F Jones Oct - The Postnatal Depletion Cure by Dr Oscar Serrallach Nov - Breastfeeding and the Fourth Trimester by Lucy Webber Dec - Mindful Hypnobirthing by Sophie Fletche

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Contact Details


Pollard Lane, Bramley, Leeds, UK

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