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Exploring homebirth

  • 365 Days
  • 4 Steps


Curoius about homebirth? Come and find out more. My role is to support you to achieve the birth of your dreams and if that sounds like exactly what you need right now then come and sign up for my exploring homebirth workshop. Come and learn why homebirth is actually proven to be statistically as safe as giving birth in the hospital for first time parents and even safer than giving birth in the hospital for second and subsequent parents. This workshop is for you whether you're dead set on giving birth at home, slightly intrigued, or had no idea it was even a thing and are curious to know more. You don't have to have made any solid decisions. In this workshop I cover: -The safety of giving birth at home and why physiological birth works best here -Logistics and what you need to give birth at home -Dealing with the sensations of labour at home -Your rights to a home birth and how to ensure you are attended if you wish to be -'High risk' home birth -How to decide whether it is right for you or not This workshop is pre recorded from an online class I held in January 2023, the workshop was recorded via Zoom and is 54 minutes long, as well as the workshop recording there is also a section of references, a template letter to use if requesting contingency plans from a trust with no/lacking home birth team and a home birth kit checklist.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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